
Relationships … something that we all have to face from time to time! Ha. They can be one of the most fantastic and one of the most depressing things to be in, you can go from being on top of the world one minute, to wishing you were single and free the next. The most important thing, especially in a LGBT world (a rainbow and shiny world at that!), where certain stresses (i.e. coming out, homophobia etc) are more prominent, is to be happy. With yourself. And, your relationship. But, most importantly, the first. You can’t enjoy being with another person until you can enjoy being with yourself. It is good to remember that stresses such as long-distance (changing courses, years in industry, moving away, graduating), meeting new people, growing older and accepting yourself can all change how you act in a relationship and the type of person that you are looking for …

it is fantastic to be in a relationship for a prolonged period, but feelings can change and you should try to remember to look after number 1…. even if this is bloody difficult! I believe in the idea that, you can only truly end something once you know yourself that it is over, if you don’t believe this then you will have regrets and that’s when things get messy … being certain is awesome but doesn’t often happen … remember, look after yourself, enjoy yourself, and aim for the stars. And the rainbow ones at that.